Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bible Memorization

I know I said I was going to put up pictures soon....and I will. I just haven't had the chance to get them all off the camera. Don't give up on me. They should be coming. I vow to have them up at least before February, hopefully next week.

I wanted to put up this short blog about a program I've been using lately to help me memorize more Scripture. The program sends emails right to your inbox 6 days a week with a link you click that takes you to their website. On the website, you do certain drills to help you memorize a certain verse of the Bible each week. There are other customizable options, like choosing what translation you use, but it's a simple and convenient way to memorize Scripture. You can also choose to receive it as an RSS feed. And if you're like me and you check your email nearly every day, it's a great way to be held accountable too. So start memorizing!

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11

1 comment:

Funky Cold Medinas said...

What a fantastic idea...except I don't get on the computer nearly as much as I used to...these babies are NEEDY.