Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution." One of my professors said this to me in 2004 when I was struggling with aligning evolution with my faith in Christ. His words caused me great angst and I prayed and cried many tears in search of the truth. After several years, though I've learned much evidence to point out the flaws in NeoDarwinian evolutionary theory, my general conclusion remains the same: there is a person named Jesus Christ who walked this earth, died on the cross, and rose from the grave proving His divinity. This all points to an active and benevolent God who created the earth not by means of chance but with intentionality and forethought. Without sheer uninhibited chance, there is no evolution in its true NeoDarwinian sense. Sorry folks. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Anywho, I like this Podcast (link below) discussing that devilish quote. Seems like NeoDarwinism is more of a philosophical position than a necessity to be successful in the world of science. Whodathunkit? :)
Does Nothing In Biology Make Sense Except in the Light of Evolution?