Please take a few minutes to watch this video about our dear friends, Jeff and Audrea Medina. Pray for them and about how God might be leading you to encourage and support them.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Expectant but not expecting
Thought that title would get your attention. :) I'm not pregnant (as far as my finite mind can be sure about anything...but I'm pretty certain on this one). I'm just excited about what God has in store in our future and thankful for what He's been doing. I've been encouraged by the opportunities for ministry and growth in our Sunday School department. Kyle and I are getting nearer to graduation and hopefully a job for me. :) Things are going really well with Kelsey living with us and it's a great blessing to see her growing in Christ.
Though the alternator is on its last breath in ole black beauty and Kyle's car has over 200,000 miles on it and accelerates from a stop like an old man trying to get out of a deep, comfortable chair, we trust that God will continue to provide for us as He always has. Though Kyle works hard hours at FedEx and many hours at the church for what amounts to be less than minimum wage per hour (salary pay) and I only get to sub a handful of times per month, we still have enough to tithe, pay our bills, and even enjoy some times out to eat and football games. We have wonderful family members that are traveling 2,000 miles round trip in December to attend mine and Kyle's graduation from seminary though we'll be home a few weeks after that for Christmas. We've been able to attend seminary without incurring any loans to pay for our education.
God is good and I just wanted to publicly thank Him.
Psalm 111
1 Praise the Lord!
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
2 Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.
3 Full of splendor and majesty is his work,
and his righteousness endures forever.
4 He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered;
the Lord is gracious and merciful.
5 He provides food for those who fear him;
he remembers his covenant forever.
6 He has shown his people the power of his works,
in giving them the inheritance of the nations.
7 The works of his hands are faithful and just;
all his precepts are trustworthy;
8 they are established forever and ever,
to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.
9 He sent redemption to his people;
he has commanded his covenant forever.
Holy and awesome is his name!
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have a good understanding.
His praise endures forever!
Though the alternator is on its last breath in ole black beauty and Kyle's car has over 200,000 miles on it and accelerates from a stop like an old man trying to get out of a deep, comfortable chair, we trust that God will continue to provide for us as He always has. Though Kyle works hard hours at FedEx and many hours at the church for what amounts to be less than minimum wage per hour (salary pay) and I only get to sub a handful of times per month, we still have enough to tithe, pay our bills, and even enjoy some times out to eat and football games. We have wonderful family members that are traveling 2,000 miles round trip in December to attend mine and Kyle's graduation from seminary though we'll be home a few weeks after that for Christmas. We've been able to attend seminary without incurring any loans to pay for our education.
God is good and I just wanted to publicly thank Him.
Psalm 111
1 Praise the Lord!
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
2 Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.
3 Full of splendor and majesty is his work,
and his righteousness endures forever.
4 He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered;
the Lord is gracious and merciful.
5 He provides food for those who fear him;
he remembers his covenant forever.
6 He has shown his people the power of his works,
in giving them the inheritance of the nations.
7 The works of his hands are faithful and just;
all his precepts are trustworthy;
8 they are established forever and ever,
to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.
9 He sent redemption to his people;
he has commanded his covenant forever.
Holy and awesome is his name!
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have a good understanding.
His praise endures forever!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Long Overdue Update
I'm really almost ashamed to post to my blog right now because I've been so terribly delinquent in keeping up with it. My apologies to those two or three people who might be interested in reading about my life or my thoughts.
I suppose I'll give a rundown of the last seven months because it has been a whirlwind of a year thus far and I'm not expecting it to slow down. Reflecting, even if no one else is interested to hear it or if they already know it, is helpful for me in processing what God is doing in my life. Since I'm home alone tonight (Kyle at preteen DNow as a chaperone and Kelsey at her grandparent's birthday party), I must reflect to you dear people via the web.
At the end of January and beginning of February, I began training a nice lady to take my position at the seminary as I began fulltime studies again here at the seminary. For a few weeks in February, I worked 40 hours a week and took 12 hours of graduate level classes. Kudos to those who sustain that type of schedule long term. I wouldn't be able to do it. The last two weeks of school, I had nearly 100 pages of papers to write! I believe my fingers are permanently damaged from typing so much.
In February, I began substitute teaching in the Everman Independent School District, mostly in the Junior and Senior High Schools. That was an adventure. I was cussed at, forced to break up fights, had students walk out of classrooms, and asked the craziest questions by the students that, sadly, reflected their fallen worldview. But I was also hugged by students at all age levels, able to help with their classwork, and complimented by teachers and administration on how I did as a substitute.
In March, we took a youth mission trip to Arizona to help Mike and Debbie Bishop with their church plant (video from this in the previous post). Five people accepted Christ and many of us grew in Christ from the experience.
After spring classes ended in May, Kyle and I traveled home to Kentucky for our nephew Tyler's graduation from high school. Tyler rode back home with us and spent a week with us. While Tyler was in, we found out that Rylie has heart worms. The vet said that without treatment, Rylie would die a painful death in a few years. It was a difficult decision but Kyle and I opted to get treatment for her in spite of the high cost. Rylie has done well through the two required rounds of treatment and will go in next Monday to hopefully receive a clean bill of health. This was all quite hard to hear and go through so I can't imagine how it will be when Kyle and I have kids!
In June, we had a great week at Falls Creek (youth camp). Following Falls Creek, I finished up online courses for ECAP (alternative teacher certification training). The first 3 weeks of July, I attended ECAP training classes five days a week from 9-4 in West Fort Worth. The following week, I had an I-Term at SWBTS that met from 8-5ish Monday-Friday. My July was booked from head-to-toe in classes!
In the midst of ECAP training, a great young lady from the youth ministry, Kelsey Williams, moved in with us. She'll stay with us at least until she graduates from high school here in Everman in May 2012. While not replacing her parents, fulfilling parental responsibilities are certainly a new venture for Kyle and me. We're praying we will provide a stable, loving, Christian environment in which Kelsey can grow closer to the Lord and flourish.
We also suffered at the loss and suffering of a dear family in our church, the Medinas. We love this family, are saddened by the loss of their baby, and pray for Audrea's small intestine transplant at an unknown date in the future to be successful. We're amazed by the family's faith in God during this time.
A good friend, Stacy Martin, got married on July 31 to Cole Zachary and I was blessed to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. A few days following the wedding, I cut off my hair and sent in another donation to Locks of Love. I'm loving the ease and feel of the new hairdo. Justin Greer, a gentleman at our church with long, curly rocker-esque hair also cut his hair off for donation. Thanks, Justin!
This week Kyle and I took a quick trip to Mexico to look into future missions opportunities for the youth and possibly the church as a whole. We had a wonderful time (pictures are up on Facebook), met fantastic believers, and enjoyed great food in large and small cities (Zaragoza, Tio Pio, Moreles, Monclova, and Sacramento). Dr. Don Fawcett, Bro, Jose, and Bro. Jonathan were a joy and great encouragement to be around. We are hopeful God will allow us to serve in the future with some of the people we met this week.
Future plans: Lock-out this Friday, trip to the lake with the youth after Labor Day Weekend, fulltime classes this Fall, graduation December 10th for me and Kyle (!!!), and hopefully I can begin teaching Biology at Everman High School in December or January.
Oh, yes, and I need to study for my Biology content test so I can be certified to teach. (Prayers for motivation and studiousness are much needed at this point).
It's been a season of changes and surprises. I'm hopeful about God's future work in our family and our church. I pray that I'm a supportive wife, a loving guardian, and a competent, godly teacher. Your prayers for me in that regard are greatly treasured.
I suppose I'll give a rundown of the last seven months because it has been a whirlwind of a year thus far and I'm not expecting it to slow down. Reflecting, even if no one else is interested to hear it or if they already know it, is helpful for me in processing what God is doing in my life. Since I'm home alone tonight (Kyle at preteen DNow as a chaperone and Kelsey at her grandparent's birthday party), I must reflect to you dear people via the web.
At the end of January and beginning of February, I began training a nice lady to take my position at the seminary as I began fulltime studies again here at the seminary. For a few weeks in February, I worked 40 hours a week and took 12 hours of graduate level classes. Kudos to those who sustain that type of schedule long term. I wouldn't be able to do it. The last two weeks of school, I had nearly 100 pages of papers to write! I believe my fingers are permanently damaged from typing so much.
In February, I began substitute teaching in the Everman Independent School District, mostly in the Junior and Senior High Schools. That was an adventure. I was cussed at, forced to break up fights, had students walk out of classrooms, and asked the craziest questions by the students that, sadly, reflected their fallen worldview. But I was also hugged by students at all age levels, able to help with their classwork, and complimented by teachers and administration on how I did as a substitute.
In March, we took a youth mission trip to Arizona to help Mike and Debbie Bishop with their church plant (video from this in the previous post). Five people accepted Christ and many of us grew in Christ from the experience.
After spring classes ended in May, Kyle and I traveled home to Kentucky for our nephew Tyler's graduation from high school. Tyler rode back home with us and spent a week with us. While Tyler was in, we found out that Rylie has heart worms. The vet said that without treatment, Rylie would die a painful death in a few years. It was a difficult decision but Kyle and I opted to get treatment for her in spite of the high cost. Rylie has done well through the two required rounds of treatment and will go in next Monday to hopefully receive a clean bill of health. This was all quite hard to hear and go through so I can't imagine how it will be when Kyle and I have kids!
In June, we had a great week at Falls Creek (youth camp). Following Falls Creek, I finished up online courses for ECAP (alternative teacher certification training). The first 3 weeks of July, I attended ECAP training classes five days a week from 9-4 in West Fort Worth. The following week, I had an I-Term at SWBTS that met from 8-5ish Monday-Friday. My July was booked from head-to-toe in classes!
In the midst of ECAP training, a great young lady from the youth ministry, Kelsey Williams, moved in with us. She'll stay with us at least until she graduates from high school here in Everman in May 2012. While not replacing her parents, fulfilling parental responsibilities are certainly a new venture for Kyle and me. We're praying we will provide a stable, loving, Christian environment in which Kelsey can grow closer to the Lord and flourish.
We also suffered at the loss and suffering of a dear family in our church, the Medinas. We love this family, are saddened by the loss of their baby, and pray for Audrea's small intestine transplant at an unknown date in the future to be successful. We're amazed by the family's faith in God during this time.
A good friend, Stacy Martin, got married on July 31 to Cole Zachary and I was blessed to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. A few days following the wedding, I cut off my hair and sent in another donation to Locks of Love. I'm loving the ease and feel of the new hairdo. Justin Greer, a gentleman at our church with long, curly rocker-esque hair also cut his hair off for donation. Thanks, Justin!
This week Kyle and I took a quick trip to Mexico to look into future missions opportunities for the youth and possibly the church as a whole. We had a wonderful time (pictures are up on Facebook), met fantastic believers, and enjoyed great food in large and small cities (Zaragoza, Tio Pio, Moreles, Monclova, and Sacramento). Dr. Don Fawcett, Bro, Jose, and Bro. Jonathan were a joy and great encouragement to be around. We are hopeful God will allow us to serve in the future with some of the people we met this week.
Future plans: Lock-out this Friday, trip to the lake with the youth after Labor Day Weekend, fulltime classes this Fall, graduation December 10th for me and Kyle (!!!), and hopefully I can begin teaching Biology at Everman High School in December or January.
Oh, yes, and I need to study for my Biology content test so I can be certified to teach. (Prayers for motivation and studiousness are much needed at this point).
It's been a season of changes and surprises. I'm hopeful about God's future work in our family and our church. I pray that I'm a supportive wife, a loving guardian, and a competent, godly teacher. Your prayers for me in that regard are greatly treasured.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Mission Trip Video
Thanks, Jon, for putting together this video of our youth. We appreciate all of your and Alicia's help on the Spring Break Mission Trip!
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