This weekend made me think of several things. First, the topic was great. Inheritance. The Bible is laden with talk of inheritance. The main passage of the weekend was Psalm 16:5-6 (though we jumped often to different passages):
The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. (ESV)
The 8 main points of the weekend were:
1. I am an heir of God. My life is not left to chance.
2. I am an heir of God. I am inheriting a kingdom.
3. I am an heir of God. He is my portion…And I am His.
4. I am an heir of God. The down-payment has been made.
5. I am an heir of God. My boundary lines form a pleasing place.
6. I am an heir of God. The will has been activated.
7. I am an heir of God. I can be secure.
8. I am an heir of God. I have a beautiful inheritance.
A few things that struck me during the weekend (many did but here are a few) are the facts that we're God's "glorious inheritance" and that we need to live in light of that fact. God values us so much so we should live with this in mind, without insecurities or being trapped in sin. Another thing struck me and I'm hesitant to say it here because I believe it could inflame some potentially volatile debate (such statements have in the past).
Okay, here goes: Beth Moore is a more skilled preacher than a great number of men I have heard preach. Let that soak in for a minute before I continue. Being a part of her Bible studies on Friday and Saturday was a blessing. But they weren't merely Bible studies because there were 10,000 women there in a venue where there could be little interaction. She was preaching. She was preaching to women but she was preaching. Beth acknowledges that her calling is to work with women and it is clear that God has gifted her to that capacity. It made me think back over some of the pastors I have had in the past and how she had so much more skill in laying out Scripture than many of them.
So this topic naturally drifts to the topic of women serving as pastors and/or teaching men. This weekend something was reaffirmed in my heart that I have often struggle with (not for myself but just in general). God chooses to use people regardless of their skills or abilities. God chose not to use women as pastors over congregations not because of their lack of ability or their tendency to be easily led astray (crazy boys drawing that from the text) but because of His sovereign choice to use whatever means He sees fit to best glorify Himself. If men argue that God placed them in their positions of authority because of their abilities, they are sorely mistaken. God uses the weak, unwise, and inexperienced to confound those that think are they are strong, wise, and experienced. If anything, maybe this speaks more highly of women (*wink wink*). Honestly though, this weekend helped to reinforce in my life that God chooses to use people because of His power, not their own. His choice to not use women in certain ministerial positions is no indication of a women's worth or ability. He has worked through Beth because He loves her and wants to glorify Himself in the way He has chosen.
Okay, to end on a less heavy note (and please understand that the above rambling hasn't been thoroughly thought out and could be erroneous in some ways), here's a picture from the conference. I'm in the second row, in the middle with an orange shirt on. The ladies who went with me are around me. Click on the picture for a larger view.